The purpose of the site pressure is to ensure that the installed section of line under test and all joints and fittings included in the section will withstand the design working pressure plus a safety margin without leakage.
A - Before pressure testing the following guidelines should be observed:
-End caps are mounted on all ends of the pipeline.
-Insert air bleed valves at all the highest points along the pipeline.
-Allow 24 hours after welding before test.
-The line should be filled with water 24 hours Prior to the start of the test.
-Ensure that the system is entirely ventilated.
-Backfill the pipeline before test
-Leave joints exposed
-Test with all valves fully open
B - During pressure testing the following should be observed:
-Ensure that all air bleed valves are open and working.
-Slowly fill the pipeline with water avoid damage due to pressure surge.
-Gradually raise the pressure to a pressure corresponding to 1.5 times the nominal pressure class the pressure is maintained for 2 hours.
-Supplementary filling of water allowed. During the following 60 minutes water should not be added. After 60 minutes the pressure is measured and the water is added until the pressure is again 1.5 times the nominal pressure class.
-The fall in pressure and the amount of water added should not exceed the following limits:
Pressure drop in percentage of he initial pressure = 2%
Water quantity in liters/ meter = 0.2 Di – 0.001 + DV
Where DV = 0.05 x d2
Di is the inside diameter